Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
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I've got a misfire between 2k and 3k rev and is really annoying me, the car is overfuelling and i cant get it to pass emmisions cause of this problem. Ive changed the following but still have problem:
timing belt
water pump
Coil Pack
Spark plugs and leads
fuel filter
numerous amounts of redex
10k boost
Knock sensor wired dirrect to ecu
All sensors checked and seem fine
Fault code showed quad control module (changed ecu with three others - still misfires)
Done the earths today, changed fuel filter and even sprayed in some 10k Boost stuff into the throttle body, it was amazing how much white smoke came out the exhaust, filled the street literally, but the problem is still there. Even took the exhaust off to see if the middle section had collapsed and the car still made the misfire with this off.. someone must have had this error before.
Help please, got MOT on monday and it wont get through
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Sounds like it COULD be a bit deeper than changeables...
like some piston damage?
Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Spalding, Lincs
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do a compression test
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
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yeah im beginning to think it could be something like that, it only misfires though after a minute or so after it warms up. Dave at vsport had it in and i dont think he thought it was anything wrong internally to be honest, but i can think of anything else now to be honest. Sometimes it does sound like its not firing on all cylinders though
Registered: 26th Nov 07
Location: Chesterfield
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Which part of the emissions is it failing on? youve changed nearly everything so theres not a lot left. Is the timing correct since you changed the belt? misfire could be a fuel injector, these are the only 2 things I can think of but you would expect it to misfire all the time if it was
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
User status: Offline
Yeah the timing was done by the bloke at the garage, and i have also though about an injector not firing right. The misfire only hapens between 2-3k revs when you hold the throttle open at that range. Ive nearly rebuilt the whole
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
User status: Offline
It fails on emissions as soon as any load is put on the throttle, all the values jump from pass at idle to 10x + when its hits the misfire.. Its crazy!!
Vaux Lad
Registered: 15th Dec 04
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
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Maybe headgasket.
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
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not leaking anywater out the tank though and doesnt smell of fuel in the coolant bottle either, also no mayo under oil cap.
Registered: 5th Mar 06
Location: Birmingham Drives: mk4 astra gsi
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did you do a compression test?if so what were the results?
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
User status: Offline
not had one done yet mate, as the garages didn't think it was gasket rouble, but i might get it booked in if it fails again on MOT tommoro.. Is there a DIY way of doing compression test at all?
Vaux Lad
Registered: 15th Dec 04
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
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Yeah, but a £15 compression tester.
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
User status: Offline
ok im gonna whip to halfords and get one, how do i do the test then?? I have a fair idea but would like some hints please.. thanks
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
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Actually scrap that its snowing here so i cant do it anyways 
Read the haynes and looks simple enough to do
Premium Member
Registered: 6th Dec 02
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trying ot diagnose a fault like this over the internet is going ot be next to impossible, would need to see it really
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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white smoke - head gasket?
does it misfire on cold start up
does the eml come on with the quad driver module fault still?
Dave A
Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
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I did a compression test for you when the car was in, no faults there.
My next step would be to get a known good matching ecu and loom rather than trying mis-matched bits.
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
User status: Offline
so no faults on compression test then dave?? Couldn't remember you saying you had done one. Guess i gotta keep looking for a matching loom ecu etc then. It seemed worse with the other Ecu i tried yesterday and misfired through most of the rev range to be honest mate.
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
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I can hear running water behind the dash when i start the engine now though, whats that mean?
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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headgasket? heater matix bublbing water??
try a ecu and loom
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
User status: Offline
think im gonna give up on it soon, just made a call to my mate who sells cars..lolol
I need my car for work and the tax is due in a few days on this one and it wont pass MOT tommoro like this.. Think im gonna keep it though and save up to get it fixed
Registered: 26th Nov 07
Location: Chesterfield
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Do you know anyone else with an X16XE, your best bet might be swapping one thing at a time from a properly running engine and if it doesnt work put it back. sooner or later your bound to find out what it is
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
User status: Offline
lol its a four letter word beginning with "C" is what it is!! Not much left i could try swapping over to be honest apart from the car itself. I have a feeling its either the head gasket going, bent valve, stuck piston or something to be honest now. But i dont have the knowledge to do that myself and i dont have a Spare £400 to have the work done to find out its not that. Already spent £700+ the past two months on this misfire.
Registered: 15th Mar 04
Location: Durham, County Durham
User status: Offline
in the last hour i have decided to get a new car, and keep this and fix it over time, i got my mate lookin into gettin me an impreza just to get me to work and back (at speed), so maybe next weekend ill have my new car 
But will still need help fixing this one
Dave A
Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
User status: Offline
I now have a full ecu, wiring loom and sensors from a working x16xe 