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Author Does this sound right?

Registered: 21st Jun 07
Location: Bucks
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14th Apr 08 at 17:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ive got a vauxhall Corsa, 2001, X Reg (Old shape). And i've had quite a few problems with it. I've recently noticed a grinding/scrapping noise when i accelerate. Then 2 days later my petrol gauge goes on me. Then the day after that my exhaust goes and i get a really beefy ref sound. I've taken it to a vauxhall garage, a small independent garage and Kwik-Fit.

Firstly the vauxhall garage said the knocking noise was my steering rack grinding and that it would need a new steering rack and motor. And that the exhaust had a large hole and would need a new exhaust fitted and that they weren't sure on the petrol gauge. So all together they quoted me £1300 ish excluding labour.

The Independent garage, said that he couldn't find what caused the noise, he just said it was healthy and to let him know if it got worse. That i would need a new fuel tank for the petrol gauge. And the exhaust had a large hole, then he went on to say he could get a 2nd hand manifold and fit that and weld a new silencer on, or something along those lines.

And Kwik-fit said i would need a new exhaust, and that my manifold was being held on by some paste, which would soon destroy the manifold (Like that from previous owner) And quoted me about £340 for all new exhaust, and maybe more if he found any damage.

So basically does my petrol gauge, sound like it needs a new fuel tank
Does my hole in the exhaust, sound like it needs a whole new exhaust and manifold, or just like the independent garage said, a 2nd hand manifold and silencer, welded on.

I don't have a clue what to do, and i know nothing about cars. Could someone please help me from getting ripped off.
Many thanks

Registered: 31st Dec 07
Location: Leicestershire
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14th Apr 08 at 17:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

tbh you car sounds pretty bodged up, what year is the car, paste on the manifold???
i dont think you need a new steering rack, but someone please correct me if im wrong,
and you will need a new exhaust if yours is shot, personally id get a backbox off ebay, instead of a standard one, and get a manifold and center pipe for a scrappy or breaker, and if the noise gets worse then you got to think isit worth lasing out if its a 1993 corsa with 150000 on the clocks?

[Edited on 14-04-2008 by mobby]

Registered: 7th Nov 06
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14th Apr 08 at 18:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

says its an xreg if you bother to read it properly. your getting ripped off tbh. the petrol tank thing is the biggest load of rubbish ever it will just be the sender thats attached to the fuel pump. the knocking/grinding sounds like a cv joint if it does it when you accelerate. easy things to fix really just depends if you know anyone that can do it for you

[Edited on 14-04-2008 by andyc1234]

Registered: 21st Jun 07
Location: Bucks
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14th Apr 08 at 19:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well, Kwik- fit said the knocking/grinding sound was more than likely the exhaust on its way out.
I have gone with getting a 2nd hand exhaust part and getting that welded on, and a thing called a floater for the fuel issue. Thanks for your help

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