Registered: 10th Jan 08
Location: leicester
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hi, my mate had a little bump in his 1997 ford fiesta the other day and hes bent his wing and needs replacing, i was just wondering are the front wings on the fiesta welded on as i got told they are, but got told they aint by someone else, can someone possibly help?
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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which year/mark fiesta? Im prity sure most are in surten places but they may not be.. Have a look on a body panel website and if you get no joy here ask them..
Registered: 10th Jan 08
Location: leicester
User status: Offline
its a 1997, this pictures from google but its the same mark as this, which i think is a mk 4 im not sure,
whats the site for the body panel stuff mate?

[Edited on 02-12-2008 by NORRIS-07]
[Edited on 02-12-2008 by NORRIS-07]
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
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iirc they're welded in 8 or 10 places and bolted to the door frame inside the arch-liner.
Registered: 10th Jan 08
Location: leicester
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do you know where abouts the spots are welded mate?
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
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Mmost will be in the engine bay part, Check behind the bumper as there may be a couple there and possibly down by the sill.
It's been a wile since I looked at one of these cars thankfully
Registered: 10th Jan 08
Location: leicester
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cheers mate, im going to replace it for him tomorrow but i didnt want to do it at my house if it needed grinding off and welding the new one back on as my welders broke so ill have to take it down my dads work and do it, how long do you think it will roughly take?, haha i hear fiestas are really bad cars to work on.
cheers matey
[Edited on 03-12-2008 by NORRIS-07]
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
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I can't see it being too hard if you're handy with a grinder and welder.
Have you got a spot weld drill bit?
Registered: 10th Jan 08
Location: leicester
User status: Offline
not too sure mate, dont think i have, i was thinking about drilling the welds and then just bolting the new wing on, would that be ok to do ?
[Edited on 03-12-2008 by NORRIS-07]
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
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Yes that's what you're supposed to do. There is a special drill bit that is designed for drilling out old spot welds. You'll get away with a normal drill bit. Just be sure the bit is sharp enough, You centre punch the holes and make sure you drill into the middle of the weld.
Then obviously clean up the area you're welding the wing back onto.
Registered: 10th Jan 08
Location: leicester
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ok mate thanks for the help, hopefully it will go all smoothely when it comes to doing it, but shouldnt be too hard,
thanks again for the help mate,
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
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No probs
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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quote: Originally posted by NORRIS-07
cheers mate, im going to replace it for him tomorrow but i didnt want to do it at my house if it needed grinding off and welding the new one back on as my welders broke so ill have to take it down my dads work and do it, how long do you think it will roughly take?, haha i hear fiestas are really bad cars to work on.
cheers matey
[Edited on 03-12-2008 by NORRIS-07]
The later mark 6 fiesta is a bit of a git to work on especialy with the pug 1.4&1.6 derv engines in them.. Other than that they are a piece of piss to work on mate much prefere them to doing almost anything on a peugeot