Registered: 23rd Jan 04
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
broadband seems really slow getting
anyway i can speed it up?? i can see the exchange from the back bedroom window
any help would be great
Registered: 23rd Jan 04
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: Hinckley, Leicestershire
User status: Offline
Had similar problems. Had to phone them up.
Turned out they restricted my line speed to 768kpbs for no reason. Told them to re-configure the line to highest it can take, which is only 3mb apparently.
Or you can use their customer contact form and explain you've got slow speeds.
Registered: 19th Nov 08
User status: Offline
I had my line restricted when I phoned them up complaining about random outages, have you phoned recently?
Either way, phone them up and ask them to do some checks on your line
Registered: 23rd Jan 04
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
phoned them last night, spoke to some women i couldnt understand for ages
eventuslly spoke to an english man that was helpfull and is phoning me back toinght
have connected it up with a wire and it says im getting 7 meg connection
still takes ages to watch any tv or videos though 
have tryed resetting everything and virused scanned the laptop but still slow
will try disc clean up tonight and defrag it aswell
is it possibile i need more memory
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
User status: Offline
I've found the past couple of times I've used my Dads Sky broadband its been horrendously slow at loading stuff like youtube videos. Sounds like it be worth a phone call
Registered: 23rd Jan 04
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
you wont have a long wait
19min later and im still on hold 
so not only is there broadband shite they are now charging me a fortune to be on hold to fix there shite
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Nov 05
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i had a phonecall yesterday and he said he could give me 4 meg but he said he would drop it to 3.5 to keep it steady. I was a bit dubious but it hasnt dropped connection yet and ive hit that full speed and its constant, and streaming is a lot better
Registered: 23rd Jan 04
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
took 21min on hold to speak to someone and he said after a few checks they believe there is a problem in the line between us and exchange so will be bt engineer out to fix in next 48 hours
will see what its like when i get home
Registered: 28th Sep 04
Location: Shropshire
User status: Offline
Same here have done the online thing
Registered: 23rd Jan 04
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
mine is still really slow
am starting to wonder if it is to do with my laptop
will be phoning again tonight if it is no different