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Registered: 2nd Mar 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Punto Grande Rides: Runner 17
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my car has been running lumpy but not lost too much power , eml constant on until today , put foot down through gears and it went off its stayed off but still runs bit lumpy think sounds lumpier as exhaust is blowing abit
but when i flashed codes up
i got code 24 - VSS No speed signal or low voltage , but my speedo works ? how do i sort this out ?
i got 34 - Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor- Low voltage ? again how do i sort this out ?
i got 35 - Idle stepper motor - Poor or no idle speed control , if i type idle stepper in on ebay it comes up with a i.c.v which i have changed how do i fix this also ?
i have heard if i take my battery wires off and leave overnight that it should reset the ecu or something is this true, if not can someone point me in right direction to reset ecu so then i can start engine again and see what codes get flashed up
i will be greatfull for all help towards this
[Edited on 01-03-2011 by bally2010]
XE Col
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Registered: 23rd May 10
Location: Rochdale, AKA:Boissy07
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speed signal is RPM iirc not speedo,
map sensor if its low voltage due to prev experience (sp) its fucked, <----- this is just my past though
ICV is the stepper motor, maybe showing code if been unplugged??
poss all 3 could have been if the ign been on without having plugged in maybe? im not sure on that one, i read somewhere that if you link the pins as if you are doing a paper clip test, turn ign on, wait 5 secs, turn off, and then repeat on/off 30 times, although i cannot verify this works as never tried it.
[Edited on 01-03-2011 by Boissy07]
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Registered: 2nd Mar 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Punto Grande Rides: Runner 17
User status: Offline
the rev counter works also , map sensor just a case of changing for new one ?, icv was unplugged few weeks back due to poor idling to be changed forgot to plug in and started car so could need new i.c.v
XE Col
Premium Member
Registered: 23rd May 10
Location: Rochdale, AKA:Boissy07
User status: Offline
if you have changed the ICV, if it wasnt new, the one you now have on may also be fudged but iirc things like that ICV's/EGRs ETC if you run car with unplugged then will flash up light
Map sensor its possible, i was told recently rightly or wrongly im not positive, but i thinks its a good source that sensors run between 0.5v and 4.5v anything outside these means sensor fudged
Rev counter I dunno  
[Edited on 01-03-2011 by Boissy07]
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Registered: 2nd Mar 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Punto Grande Rides: Runner 17
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which of these sensors wuld cause it to run lumpy and cut out when sat at lights slowing down etc ?
XE Col
Premium Member
Registered: 23rd May 10
Location: Rochdale, AKA:Boissy07
User status: Offline
both icv and map i would think
icv would cause lumpy and map cutting out
again from my previous exp.
i think iirc both could cause both problems
think icv can be cleaned? sometimes solves problems
Premium Member
Registered: 2nd Mar 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Punto Grande Rides: Runner 17
User status: Offline
atm i have took batt of it to see if that sorts it out , ive got a new engine loom off a c16se as the one im running is a c14se loom that looks bit worse for wear going to buy some new ht leads on satday , new plugs fit my new map sensor and a i.c.v again probably clean throttlebody up
Premium Member
Registered: 2nd Mar 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Punto Grande Rides: Runner 17
User status: Offline
probably dint help that i put it back together and give it a bit of a thrashing so thats why i thought ecu needs resetting as i have been told the ecu needs to configure or something
ill sort it out its just pissing me off u any good with electrics ??
[Edited on 01-03-2011 by bally2010]