Registered: 6th Dec 09
Location: Oxford
User status: Offline
Hi all, this is pertty urgent.
I been having problems with my car for a while now, corsa 1.6 sport. Basically I had a powerbox fitted and the throttle position sensor was playing up, every now and then the car would bog down when you went to accelerate and wouldn't go anywhere and rev really low. So the throttle position sensor I have had to keep getting out the car and moving them to get the car to run fine.
I done a diagnostic test and come up with these results
1405- EGR valve
0400- EGR valve
0352- Ignition coil 2 and 3
0340- Camshaft sensor
0505- I think its the idle control valve
0335-Crank sensor
0105- Map sensor
0500-Idle control valve
0130-Heated exhaust gas oxygen sensor
0120 Throttle position sensor
I have fiddled with the car today, I cleaned the throttle position sensor with some WD40, dunno if this is any good? I changed the idle control valve, the old one I assume wasn't working properly. And thats basically it. I took the powerbox off because the gasket was ripped, and replaced that, but I left all the connection on the powerbox. I did unplug the coil pack, but plugged it back in again. The only earth I took off was the one that used to go to the throttle body and is now located on the powerbox bolt.
Please can anyone help, I am in desperate need for the car tomorrow.
Thanks very much