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Author Car body repair question

Registered: 3rd Apr 07
Location: Newport
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   30th Mar 16 at 16:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cut a long story short, some idiot hit front end of my car the other day and drove off without stopping. Got the reg etc but police as good as told me they're not interested. Waiting to hear what insurance say but not being an expert on car body repair I'm just curious whether these dents could be pulled out or is it likely a new wing job? Also what sort of cost to repair.
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31st Mar 16 at 00:39   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by AlunJ
police as good as told me they're not interested.

Seems strange, did you phone or visit?

You can also use DVLA form V888 to ask for keeper info -

That wing could be repaired but an insurance-appointed repairer will normally replace.

Wants work on the bumper as well?

Registered: 3rd Apr 07
Location: Newport
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31st Mar 16 at 15:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Phoned and was told to visit so did that, the bloke who did the statement with me said it would go to the collisions department but as no witnesses unlikely anything more would happen, said we both complied with the road traffic act which I did raise my voice slightly at, how did he comply by driving off? Criminal offence right there.

He said its down to insurance to decide but if I claim off his they will claim off mine or some bollocks which I thought unlikely because they won't even know my registration unless it was on purpose?
Chased up insurance but they have a back log after bank holiday.

Yes work needed to bumper as well, it's scuffed.

[Edited on 31-03-2016 by AlunJ]

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