Registered: 20th Jan 01
Location: Lancaster
User status: Offline
is there anymore insurance companys that dont bother about modifications as long as it dosent improve top speed or aceleration i know "more than" do but is there anymore?
Premium Member
Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
User status: Offline
liverpool victoria arnt too bad, add a small amount but not much, but dont pay out for mods, only pay to put car to standard
also Adrian FLux are meant to be good but a bit pricey, but they pay out for the mods to be put right.
Registered: 25th Dec 02
Location: Bulwell Nottingham
User status: Offline
C.I.S is quite good also H.I.C 01279506090
Matty Hall
Registered: 22nd Oct 00
Location: Burton on Trent (midlands)
User status: Offline
C.I.S suck ass with mods, and when someone crashes into your car they are crap at sorting your money and compensation out.
(Im not bitter honset)
Registered: 25th Dec 02
Location: Bulwell Nottingham
User status: Offline
hahahah i aint got no mods well not seriously major ones thats why they was ok with me but insurance company who r out to rob ya suck n e ways
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
User status: Offline
im with liverpool vic, they didnt ask specific details bout my mods, just said if i had a claim i have to provide evidence in the way of receipts to get the money back. as far as engine mods go, the 2 people i spoke to said it doesnt affect the policy unless you stick a higher or lower output engine in. didnt mention doing things to the current engine, well thats my excuse anyway, lol.
Registered: 25th Dec 02
Location: Bulwell Nottingham
User status: Offline
im going with them wen insurance runs out only got to wait til july otherwise i loose out big time on my NCB im with swindow n im paying £1300 n all ive got is allys wihich r standard n tinted windows but LV quoted me £860 fully comp
Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Dumfries & Galloway
User status: Offline
Im 17 and insuring a 1.4sport in my mum's name with liverpool victoria. Put on a piperx filter, which made sod all difference to performance. Phoned up the company before i did it, that would be fine, about a 5% increase. Phoned up the next night to add the mod to the policy, they said that they weren't going to insure the car with a 17 yr old driver and that modification. After a lot of arguing along the lines of "you said it was ok last night" and the operator (allegedly) speaking to the underwriters, they agreed to insure it as long as this was the only modification made. The insurance didn't increase at all. Are the rest of you a lot older than me? Because they seem to change what they say from one minute to the next when young drivers are concerned.