Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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XBOX? PS2? etc
I'm bored of my PC and want a games console - which do people recommend?
Ive seen a couple of games i like the look of, that Def Jam fighting one and that cage fighting one (cant remember it's name) - they PS2 or XBOX?
Registered: 17th Jun 01
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now burnout 2 is out n the xbox its the only sensible choice
Registered: 28th Jul 00
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PS2 Craig is the better one
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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Whys that Greg mate?
I heard the DVD on the XBOX is better?
I'm looking to play mainly fighting/boxing/combat etc games. Some car/racing ones too though...
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Registered: 28th Jul 00
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My mates got the xbox and it has some good games like the old famous "Mario Karts" etc but to be honest i haven't had any probs with my Playstation and i rate it all the way !!!
You can also get better / more games for the playstation AND you wont have much luck fitting the XBox into your lexus if you ever think about doing that 
Playstation 2 looks much better also !
Hope that helps ya decision
Registered: 13th Dec 00
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Mario kart on x-box Thought it was on nintendo ?
Registered: 28th Jul 00
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Nah they have it on the XBox ive seen it !
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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what is all this anti xbox man - its the more powerfull machine and the ONLY game that i cant get on my xbox that is on ps2 that is good is GTA3 - now that is only till 2004 anyway - everything else is on xbox - its cheaper - there is ingame dolby digital (not available on ps2) and the DVD playback is as u suggested much better on the xbox - the ps2 uses compasite video and the xbox uses RGB - dont get me wrong the ps2 is good but the xbox is just better, i aint gonna rgue it more than that - its cheaper more powerful and any big games come out on it normally in improved guise (toca race driver/ burnout 2) - also its not that much bigger than a ps2 at all.
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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How much are PS2's these days?
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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u can run mario kart and all old titles (snes/genisis) on a chipped xbox - even amiga but i dont see the point.
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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Arggggggggggh decisions decisions 
Registered: 28th Jul 00
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Whatever you do mate you wont have made the wrong choice but id say the playstation
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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My mate is an absolute wizz at computers, hes just got rid of his XBOX for a gamecube because of zelda. He thinks the XBOX is wank. He was playing XBOX Live using his PC and thought that that was the only upside over the PS2. The PS2 may be slower and less powerful but it has the most important thing, the best games. Without the games, the xbox is a very large doorstop.
Rob R
Registered: 31st May 03
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y not buy a second hand x box n second hand ps2 then u have got best of both worlds. Ive got ps2 but ardly play it, use it mostly for playin DVDs, dunno y though coz DVD playback is shit on it lol. i mite sell it so U2U me if u want details
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quote: Originally posted by LoudCorsa
what is all this anti xbox man - its the more powerfull machine and the ONLY game that i cant get on my xbox that is on ps2 that is good is GTA3 - now that is only till 2004 anyway - everything else is on xbox - its cheaper - there is ingame dolby digital (not available on ps2) and the DVD playback is as u suggested much better on the xbox - the ps2 uses compasite video and the xbox uses RGB - dont get me wrong the ps2 is good but the xbox is just better, i aint gonna rgue it more than that - its cheaper more powerful and any big games come out on it normally in improved guise (toca race driver/ burnout 2) - also its not that much bigger than a ps2 at all.
I cant for the life of me think why the X-Box is more powerful and more advanced  Oh yeh coz its newer! As for the X-Box being cheaper  Also how many people that buy games consoles have the ability and equipment to properly used Dolby Digital 5.1? And it is much bigger than the PS2! Plus the PS2 can stand vertically  
PS2 all the way
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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Well said nath. Dont mind badger, he knows fuck all.
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those games are for ps2 but the xbox is by far the better console. The good ps2 games may not be out for it but the quality of graphics and usefulnesss of the harddrive make it a sure winner. i have both and xbox is best
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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cybermonkey - are you some kind of tit? - what are you going on about - i know fuck all - i am a ong time games player - and i take an interest in the console hardware also - and it isnt THAT much bigger - i mean for gods sake they both fit under the seat of a clio 16v - and you have a mate who played xbox live throuh his pc - dont u mean he used gamespy throught his pc with his xbox? - xbox live dosnt need a pc as far as i am aware - and yeah i appreciate that the xbox is better due to it being newer - this is like the argument that a e-type jag is better than a mclaren f1 - it isnt! - the e-type was good in its day but come on a mclaren f1 would kick its ass in every department.
as for dolby digital - i thnthat quite a few people have this, its relatively cheap nowadays and is quality.
l33t corsa
Registered: 14th Aug 01
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quote: Originally posted by Cybermonkey24
My mate is an absolute wizz at computers, hes just got rid of his XBOX for a gamecube because of zelda. He thinks the XBOX is wank. He was playing XBOX Live using his PC and thought that that was the only upside over the PS2. The PS2 may be slower and less powerful but it has the most important thing, the best games. Without the games, the xbox is a very large doorstop.
Gamecube is worth it for Zelda alone... and then fzero and mario kart which are on the way. Metroid Prime is class too.
You can get Gamecube for £80 now...
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
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once the xbox is chipped, you can run linux on it, emulate the nes, snes, megadrive, 32x, megacd, master system, amiga, N64 and most recently it now plays playstation 1 games.
Also once chipped it becomes multi region and it has macrovision removed, and with the xbox dvd player u dont get green screen with RGB 
The console is immense once cihpped, but is pants when standard
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
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And the newly released chip last week takes less that 5 minutes to install
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Any modern PC is better than a console by miles. and if u dont like looking at a monitor than most modern graphics cards have S video out allowing u to use ur tv hence ur PC becomes a console, wuld never have a console over a PC
Registered: 21st Nov 01
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