Registered: 10th Jun 03
Location: bristol
User status: Offline
im 17 and planning on getting a corsa as a first car and max it up. i am thinking of spending about 2000 - 3000 quid to buy just the car without any mods, is this too much or just about right, any ideas on a good model of a corsa that i should go for. thanks
[Edited on 06/16/03 by MyK3]
Registered: 6th Mar 03
Location: London/Essex
User status: Offline
corsa b sxi 1.2 16v, cheap 2 insure, and very very nippy
Registered: 13th May 03
Location: Bracknell, Berkshire
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Go to Auto trader and do a car search, you will prob have to sign up to be a member of the site first but that only takes a minute, u can put in all the details you want your car to have and it'll search for it!!! that's only if you want a non-max'd one so you can max it urself!
Registered: 15th Aug 02
Location: Argyll, West scotland
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if u look about u should find a slightly modded one, about p/r-reg or newer for 2k+. Save u a bit of money!! Most ppl buy alloys first, and these are pretty much the most expensive single modd
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: South east, Bromley
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i feel the bodyshop will b more £££ than alloys
Registered: 10th Jun 03
Location: bristol
User status: Offline
thanks guys. what i am planning on doing is getting a car unmodded so i can max it from scratch.. i think its more fun that way and a nice way to throw away money.. well its better than pissing it up the wall
Registered: 26th Apr 03
Location: Bolton
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Ive got a corsa b sxi 16 valve so thats what i would reccomend like the above post reads there easy to insure and quite nippy. If ur after something a bit faster go for the 1.4 sport mines a T reg and i paid £3000 for mine its done just over 35,000 miles and its in mint condition i got mine through autotrader
Registered: 28th May 02
Location: ammanford,south wales
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imho none of the corsas even the 1.6 16v are quick as standard, nippy but nothing blisteringly fast!
Id go for a late 1.2 16v sxi for insurance or 1.6 16v sport/low mileage Gsi for tunability potential.
The 1.4s arent really worth bothering with as theyre a false economy for tuning in my opinion and are better off in novas which are much lighter