Registered: 24th Sep 02
Location: Devon
User status: Offline
I'm really thinking about a respray for my dull red corsa.....back to flame red corsa. Now to begin with the bumpers, wheel arches etc where not colour coded, I colour coded these....but now obviously they look odd being bright red against a mainly dull red car. I reckon I will be gettin a body kit in the near future so I don't wanna get the respray until I have it fitted.
Now r most bodykits all ready for spraying, or do u need to sand, prime then paint? And more importantly when I want respray the whole car do I have to sand the whole car down to the metal? Or sand down to the primer? or just sand it a little all over. Obviously using like 400/600/1000/1200 wet and dry etc.
Lastly how many coats would ppl recommend?
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
User status: Offline
I'd recommend, unless your a bodyshop specialist and or are skilled with a compressor to spray with, I'd save up and get a pro to do it - then you have comeback if you get runs, bumps, miss-matches and colour differences. Get it all done at once.
It may be tempting to do as much as you can as fast as you can, but patience will pay off.
Registered: 24th Sep 02
Location: Devon
User status: Offline
if I were to save up how much would I be lookin at tho?
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
User status: Offline
Anything from about £1500 + for a full respray, obviously the more kit that needs fitting the more it'll cost, paint type etc.
Registered: 24th Sep 02
Location: Devon
User status: Offline
I may as well sell my car and put that money together with it and buy a new one. If I were to prep it myself then get pros to spray it what sort of cost would I be lookin at?
Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
User status: Offline
Instead of a full respray just get a blow over spray done, much cheaper and gives the same desired affect.
Get the kit sprayed up properly but get the rest of the car a blow over and it will bring it back to its orignal state, thats what I am doing with mine to sort out the little scratches on the paintwork from stones, also to get rid of the lines left by my rubbing strips and at the same time getting the arches and all that colour coded.
Blow over spray, £300 compared to about £1000-£1500 for a respray.
Registered: 24th Sep 02
Location: Devon
User status: Offline
when u say a blow over spray does that mean they just lightly sand all over the existing fading paint and then just cover it in a coat of fresh paint? Then laquer?
Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
User status: Offline
Basically yeah.