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Registered: 25th Jan 01
Location: Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire
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Wired up the oil pressure today to the standard oil pressure sender on the back of the engine!. now when i run the car it goes to 7 bar but when warms up it comes down to 3 bar. When revving the engine it goes up to 7 bar again. Sound Normal!?
Dave A
Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
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yes as oil pressure increases with revs
Registered: 10th Jun 02
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
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Quite normal.
When my engine is cold it's around 5-6 bar (both high rev. and idle). When it gets warm it's still 5-6 bar at high revs. but drops down to app. 2 bar at idle.
Registered: 15th Jun 02
Location: rossendale
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mines 60 psi when cold then about 50 when warm , can drop to 40 psi when hammering it. but thats a let.
Registered: 6th Sep 03
Location: Lincolnshire
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pressure also decreases as the oil gets hotter and thinner, hence the 7bad when cold but 3 bar when warm
Premium Member
Registered: 25th Jan 01
Location: Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire
User status: Offline
my guage is showing 7 when cold then on constant power above 2k it stays at 7 baron idle it has been down to 4 bar does that sound fine?
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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I get 4bar cold idle, 2bar warm idle. and its all over the place when I'm gunning it.
I have placed an aftermarket oil pressure sending in there back of the block (just next to the oil filter).
Premium Member
Registered: 25th Jan 01
Location: Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire
User status: Offline
hmmmm might fit the aftermarket one to the car instead of using the standard one on the car! maybe not getting a correct reading