Registered: 28th Feb 04
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To cut a long story short, the manipulating lying cunts at Phones 4u told me that my 18 month contract I signed was able to be cancelled after 12 months, as I said I was only in the country for 12 months.
Low and behold, it turns out that it isn't able to be cancelled after 12 months, and that I am now stuck with this 18 month contract until February, and I am leaving the country in 4 weeks.
Is there any way LEGALLY to get out of this?
Complaint letters to Phones4u Head Office has already fallen on deaf ears, and I hope each and every one of them gets kicked to death very soon.
Any way at all I can get out of this?
Registered: 11th Aug 06
Location: North Wales Drives: BMW, Corsa & Fiat
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Leave the country, don't tell them your address 
I had the same problem with Vodafone, ended up paying £931
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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Your leaving the country? fuck them 
Cancel the DD
Registered: 28th Feb 04
User status: Offline
Well it's looking that way. I just wanted to do it legally but looking like no joy.
I'll have to pay 35 * 7 months, so about 250quid. I can only knock the contract down to 30quid a month minimum, so that's still 210 quid for fuck all.
It just fucks me off that these stupid cunts can do this and get away with it, and not have anything done to them. CUNTS.
[Edited on 19-06-2007 by liamC]
Registered: 15th Oct 04
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have you any proff of this? or was it over the phone?
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
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You spoken to the network?
Read the towards the bottom of this page - Complaints and Useful organisations
[Edited on 19-06-2007 by Ian]
Registered: 28th Feb 04
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Twiggy
have you any proff of this? or was it over the phone?
That's the annoying thing about it - I have nothing to prove that she did say this, even though she was adamant.
Cheers for the link Ian, I'll drop them a letter I think.
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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yeah they wont do anything about it tbh , phone companies are set up in a way to always get out of shit like this lol.
i used to work for vodafone, just pay the rental it sucks but best you can do.
could always transfer the contact over to a friend or family member?
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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Change the billing address to the shops address & then leave the country. Sorted
Registered: 19th Apr 03
Location: yorkshire
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carphone warehouse did same to me , they and orange suck. Ill never ever go with carphone warehouse again, they bullshit you and once youve signed do what they want
Registered: 28th Feb 04
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quote: Originally posted by Matt H
Change the billing address to the shops address & then leave the country. Sorted
And that my friend, will be my parting shot....from Newcastle Airport
Quality mate!!!
Registered: 24th Aug 00
Location: Essex, Colchester
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Ask them how much it will cost to buy the contract out
[Edited on 20-06-2007 by Tommy]
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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I had sort of same trouble, when I took my 3 contract out with P4U they said it was 9 months 1/2 price then I could change my tariff after 9 months to a cheaper one.Low and behold after 9 months they said I could npot change till 12 months and that it comes from 3..I moaned and complained and went mental at the lying bastards until they agreed to pay me £75 which would cover what I was loosing till the 12 months up and I could lower tariff..
I had a chq in my hand 3 days later from them for £75 and when 12 months is up I will reduce the tariff...
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
And the moral of the story is.....