Registered: 26th Aug 07
Location: Brawdy/Wirral
User status: Offline
Right, i have a problem with a sheared tap in the block.
There was an old sheared exhaust stud in there and it was being drilled out but would not come out with the extractor. So, using a tap and die set, myself and Adam-D were tryin to put a new thread in there, when the end snapped in the hole!
Theres a link if you want to have a look, its under the latest post.
Does anyone have any ideas? Or, can anyone recommend a good drill bit set, and also a good tap set?
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
User status: Offline
Take the other half of the tap that you've maybe still got and grind it to about a 60 degree angled point. Get a pair of safety glasses on if you value your eyesight and use the ground up bit as a chisel, should work to shatter the tap in the hole.
Either that or put a ball bearing against it and hit it, as in one from a wheel bearing, not something you fire from a gun. If you can do that it works better than the sharpened tap.
Remember safety glasses if you choose to try either please and let us know how you get on.
Registered: 26th Aug 07
Location: Brawdy/Wirral
User status: Offline
ok bud i'll give it a try! 
thanks for the help