Registered: 30th Jun 03
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So your 360 that cost you the same as a ps3 anyway by the time you had bought live, wireless, all the other bits it doesn't come with, an hd dvd drive, you now have to replace because it's end of life.
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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Nap topic..
Just get what your friends have so you can play online againsts them...
Both good console and both have pros and cons..
Gt is said to be out for march 09..
I dont mind waiting for it and it will be just amazing..
There are no games on 360 that make me think I must get a 360.
Great value for £130 but I cant be asked to then pay to go online etc..
I like ps3, free to go online etc and my friends own them.
One of them sold his 360 for £90 and got a 40gb ps3, simple reason is that his friends have ps3 and he didnt like to pay to play online.
As for people saying ps3 is "shite" and it has no games...just a childish way to answer the topic question
[Edited on 16-11-2008 by Sunz]
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Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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The PS3 was released on March 23, 2007 in Europe whilst the 360 was released on December 2, 2005. That's a long time in the gaming world.
Yes, I'd had the 3 lights of death. Yes, I felt gutted that it occurred after just a year and a half of owning the 360. HOWEVER, my 360 is used on a daily basis and has clocked up a shit load of gaming hours. If you bought a new car and drove 70k miles in a year and a half you'd expect to have more issues with it if you only drove 20k miles. My 360 was picked up by USP the next day... 7 days later it was delivery back all working - all free of charge
I was a massive PS fan... had the PS1 and PS2 and loved them! I was planning on getting the PS3 around xmas 2006 but heard of the delay until March. I then popped out and bought a 360 after seeing Gears of War advertised on the box and I've never looked back.
IMO, the PS3 took the wrong route and went all 'serious' by focusing on features outside of gaming i.e. HD kit. I feel as though my PS3 should be sitting next to my sky+ box waiting for me to splash out on a film on a HD disc just to justify the price tag on the PS3. The PS3 Dashboard is fecking slick and looks nice but again, its all just too 'serious' for me. The gaming market is all about 'FUN'. You just have to take a look at the sales figures for the wii and see this.
£40 for xbox live. Yeah, ok... its a pain in the arse to have to get out your credit card to pay for subscription. However, most of us on here pay a subscription for CorsaSport. If you think the extras are worth it then you'll pay for it. If you think that your subscription is going toward improvements to the service then you'll pay it.
Playstation was THE CONSOLE to have 3-4 years ago. If you was taking to mates about gaming, you'd be talking about the PS1 or the PS2. However, if you take about gaming now you talk about the Wii or the 360, the PS3 hardly gets a look in.
IMO of course.... 
pew pew pew pewwwww
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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o Patch o I just fell in love with you....
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it had to be said!
pew pew pew pewwwww
Registered: 27th Feb 06
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buy what ever your mates have
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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What Mattk says makes sense!
I've had a PS, PS2 and an Xbox (Still have the last two) Never really got on with the Xbox, OS, controllers etc. Bought a Wii but the games are rubbish (With the exception of about 6) so bought a PS3. For me you can't beat the PS controller, just fits in your hands perfectly lol.
As for games theres really not a lot in it, both have exclusives and both carry pretty much the same catologue of games.
The added bonus of the BluRay player is only beneficial if you plan to rent//buy them in place of dvds.
Registered: 23rd Jun 08
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i had a 360, sold it. got a ps3 and perfer it; but then again the ps3 was free with my phone. i wouldnt have gone out and bought one
Registered: 8th Jan 07
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when the next gen 360 comes out it will dick the ps3, ps3 is better cus it took so long to come out.
the games arent better
xbox live is better thats why you pay
i got it cus my mates are on it
[Edited on 16-11-2008 by sam-smith]
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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Please can you translate the above
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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I understood
Registered: 16th Mar 07
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PS3 is the superior console. In my opinion of course.
Saying that, I think GOW2 looks good but I'm more than happy with a Playstation.
[Edited on 16-11-2008 by radicalry00]
Registered: 4th Oct 04
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I have the 360, PS3 and Wii. If I am being honest the PS3 is a disappointment, just like the PSP was. I bought the PS3 for Gran Turismo and they have still not released it, just that Prologue rubbish. PS3 has Blu Ray that is one of the few positives for it over the 360.
[Edited on 16-11-2008 by N16K]
[Edited on 16-11-2008 by N16K]
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Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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Sundays on GOW2 are 
pew pew pew pewwwww
Registered: 31st Aug 04
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Well i have settled for a ps3. Always had playstations so why fix what aint broken?
Got it for a tenner, bargain
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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Who in their right minds sells a PS3 for £10?! You sure its not a PS1 in some fancy casing or something?
Registered: 31st Aug 04
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Nope. Needed a new phone as my current contract had ran out.
Got a new one through carphone warehouse, and got a free playstation 3
Registered: 24th Jan 04
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its future ready.
xbox isnt-simple as.
my ps3 is awesome, internet is ace, free online, does play my blu rays.
for me to the that on a xbox 360, id need console, wireless kit, hd drive(extinct format) and loads of patience when i get 3 red lights. games are awesome, the console has been tested to 65% of its possibilities according to the makers of Resi Evil5, and that looks amazing.
xbox are great for cheap gaming, but it all adds up to the same rough cost to be ps3 quality.
what has the xbox got over the ps3?
what has the ps3 got over the xbox-bluray,more reliable, look nicer imo
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: Leicester
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quote: Originally posted by bubblevaux
its future ready.
xbox isnt-simple as.
my ps3 is awesome, internet is ace, free online, does play my blu rays.
for me to the that on a xbox 360, id need console, wireless kit, hd drive(extinct format) and loads of patience when i get 3 red lights. games are awesome, the console has been tested to 65% of its possibilities according to the makers of Resi Evil5, and that looks amazing.
xbox are great for cheap gaming, but it all adds up to the same rough cost to be ps3 quality.
what has the xbox got over the ps3?
what has the ps3 got over the xbox-bluray,more reliable, look nicer imo

couldnt have put it better myself!
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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quote: Originally posted by bubblevaux
its future ready.
xbox isnt-simple as.
my ps3 is awesome, internet is ace, free online, does play my blu rays.
for me to the that on a xbox 360, id need console, wireless kit, hd drive(extinct format) and loads of patience when i get 3 red lights. games are awesome, the console has been tested to 65% of its possibilities according to the makers of Resi Evil5, and that looks amazing.
xbox are great for cheap gaming, but it all adds up to the same rough cost to be ps3 quality.
what has the xbox got over the ps3?
what has the ps3 got over the xbox-bluray,more reliable, look nicer imo
better games, a fact that for some reason when discussing consoles gets compleatly overlooked.
over than the fact the xbox has more games/better exclusives and the ps3's bluray, there both exactly the same console, same graphics, same online experience ect ect.
as for the future well who knows, your buying it to kill bordom now anyway, and by the time the ps3 starts to exceed the xbox if it actually does im sure the ps3 will be £100 anyway.
Registered: 15th Apr 04
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I also have both, had xbox 2 years and ps3 about 6months, xbox never gets turned on anymore.
Just love the ps3.
As said before, the PS3 is the future ready console at the moment...
360 reliability issues would worry me, never had any troubles myself though
Registered: 20th Feb 05
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MY 360 RROD'd in just under a year, my PS3's blue ray lasor broke in like 4 months - happened to a few of my mates ones too (40gb models) so Ps3's aren't as bulletproof as everyone says.
Registered: 29th Mar 00
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yeh this is true a couple of my mates have had ps3's and theyve had problems withing 6 months, one mate had his for a week before the dvd drive gave in.
I had my 360 for about 2 years before it broke...
Registered: 23rd Oct 02
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I've always has Playstations (1, 2 etc) and 2 years ago would have never even spat on an xbox let alone play one.
However last winter me and the gf decided to get one as they were on offer and we used her 20% staff discount and got one. Figured it would make staying in more bearable (save money etc)
Anyways a year on and its a great console. Would not consider going back to PS3 now.
1) Premium Consoles with HDMI are available at £170 New, + Xbox live at £25 it comes in at £195! Bargain!
2) Games are excellent
3) All my mates have one and are on Live so online gaming is a laugh
However, one of my mates has had the Xbox 360 from launch day and has NEVER had the RROD. Neither have I yet!
Registered: 11th Aug 06
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I've had both, preferred the xbox so sold the ps3.
I wouldn't say no for £10 though.... blu ray player for £10. Bargain.
[Edited on 19-11-2008 by Whittie]