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Registered: 6th Dec 02
Location: Drives: E39
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does any1 have one of these fitted to a 1.4 16v sport. dont want ppl to say stuff like "get a velos" etc. am interested in the lexmaul one an want some info on them like:
1) how hard to fit
2) whats the difference in ur car now, acceleration etc
3) any other info about them that u want to tell me!
Premium Member
Registered: 6th Dec 02
Location: Drives: E39
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Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Luton
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I'am also intrested in one of these but dont have £500
I have been told its just the tol half of manifold. So what I can see it undo 5 bolts from lower manifold, take engine cover of,f take air intake and brake sevo pipe off and fit lexmaul one.
I'am just assuming the above as no one seems to have any good info
Wolf In Welsh Clothing
Registered: 31st Mar 03
Location: North Wales...... Cooper S on order
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Dont think any1 on here has got 1!
Ring PVD, say your on here and try for a discount if your set on the lexmaul one.
Ed Renshaw
Registered: 2nd Dec 99
Location: Lincoln
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Joff has one.
Premium Member
Registered: 6th Dec 02
Location: Drives: E39
User status: Offline
i ordered one from pvd, have read a few good reviews, but just wondered if ne1 on here actually had one, ill try u2uin joff
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
User status: Offline
No CS discount I'm afraid 
Join the VxlSCC and you will tho