Registered: 27th Sep 05
Location: Salisbury, Wiltshire
User status: Offline
Never had a problem with the car in the past. Engine is a standard x10xe. Started every time, first time. Tonight i stopped the car, and went to restart it 5 mins later, and it just kept turning over. Switched off, left for a fe seconds, tried again, did the same thing. I waited a bit longer before starting and it started like normal.
Carried on driving home, stopped the car. Tried starting it again and it just keeps turning over. About the 6th time it started?
EML doesnt come on, so i dont know what it is, and their is plenty of fuel
Any ideas what it may be?
Registered: 1st Dec 07
Location: brid, east yorks
User status: Offline
check alternator, starter motor or battery, check the leads from the battery make sure theres no loose connections might just be a dodgy earth connection when it wont start its not making a connection but then makes a connection and then starts, you could take your battery off clean the terminals up and connections with a wire brush and put some petroleum jelly, grease or vaseline on the terminals see how you go on
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Registered: 30th Jul 07
Location: st neots PE19
User status: Offline
Had the exact same problem awhile ago, turn out to be the crank shaft sensor, common problem apparently. Part no 9118368 £36 from Vauxhall, few quid cheaper from other outlets. Crank sensor is to the R/H side of the engine low down at the back just below the starter, one nut one connector job done.