Registered: 11th Jan 05
Location: scotland
User status: Offline
hi my friend has a 106 gti.he bought cams not long ago and got like a 11bhp out of them.i was wondering how much it would b 2 buy?he said that their only 2 bolts holding them in.just takie them out and put the new ones in.wot sort of bhp would i b lookin at if i bought them and stuch them in?thanks
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
User status: Offline
i take it you have a 106 then?
2 bolts holding cams in? Norm 16 i think (c20xe anyway), then the pulleys etc
You would have to take the rocker off, pulleys off (timing belt), then the cams... Then re fit and time it again
not as easy as i think you thought it may have been
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
User status: Offline
and if you dotn have a pug 106 GTi, and have a corsa..... delete this post 
They will not work very well, or give any gains.
If you have the same car as him though, expect the same gains (11bhp gain unmapped is a bit optimistic though)
Registered: 11th Jan 05
Location: scotland
User status: Offline
iv got a 1.4 corsa.so your sayin not 2 bother with the cams?thanks