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  Subject Author Replies Views Last Post
corsa 1.4/1.6 16v problem joebickerton 0 219
6th May 11 at 13:24
by joebickerton
central locking john_redtop 0 209
6th May 11 at 11:03
by john_redtop
steering wheel snapped HELP !!!! walshy_corsab 3 335
6th May 11 at 09:08
by johnhara1
Ashley or Sportex System? gary2097 4 249
6th May 11 at 08:04
by giles92
Wheel help please! Piér 3 246
6th May 11 at 04:21
by IvIarkgraham
Exhaust Help gary2097 7 249
5th May 11 at 22:03
by johnhara1
very anoying qestion gaffy-11-corsa 7 275
5th May 11 at 21:13
by Jamie-C
Valve stem oil seals. (Pages: 1 2 ) Mark.W 27 3460
5th May 11 at 20:09
by Mark.W
Best place to get car CD Players? Woody 5 1227
5th May 11 at 19:01
by Root
corsa turbo brakes? arden_paul_m 3 262
5th May 11 at 18:16
by corsadonk
C20XE - Ignition dropping out when cranking. dragon2309 12 488
5th May 11 at 17:33
by craig_s
mk6 fiesta suspension FAZ 4 309
5th May 11 at 16:26
by FAZ
any other way? Jabba 3 317
5th May 11 at 14:44
by Bissmire
little help? frainey 4 211
5th May 11 at 14:42
by Bissmire
opel grill post 97... Jed D 6 308
5th May 11 at 12:34
by niallpeters
colcovers whats the best? damoh 7 276
5th May 11 at 10:48
by damoh
Corsa Exhaust Knocking Issue! MACKA 8 330
5th May 11 at 10:23
by bracey123
x14xe single pin knock sensor wire colour? Jenko_Sport 3 643
4th May 11 at 22:03
by ash-ov-boro
corsa maxi spoiler redtopnutta 1 167
4th May 11 at 21:58
by davieslim
picture request: polar sea blue corsa's with softstars corsa_breeze88 8 2673
4th May 11 at 21:39
by corsa_breeze88
how do you paint your interior plastics properly? primer then gloss? Jacka_123 6 289
4th May 11 at 20:19
by Terry12
will it go? stampy_54 0 210
4th May 11 at 19:46
by stampy_54
What could be wrong? DJMartin07 20 271
4th May 11 at 18:03
by johnhara1
corsa sport price??? joebickerton 3 111
4th May 11 at 17:54
by Ricky352
how to change indicator stalks? tomo2k9 3 4866
4th May 11 at 10:44
by davieslim
need someone to wire the loom of a c20let asap corsa987 0 95
4th May 11 at 09:42
by corsa987
Smokey Diesel on Cold Start ed 3 711
4th May 11 at 09:04
by ed
Powder Coating in West Midlands or Surrey Robby_W 1 84
3rd May 11 at 22:46
by IvIarkgraham
What's the easiest way to rub down arches? Making them as smooth as possible... DansCorsaSXi 10 156
3rd May 11 at 22:08
by srijack
Chassis earths Ant 1 104
3rd May 11 at 21:05
by AW06

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