Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Northamptonshire
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Hi Guys,
Need to get an ISP for my new house at Uni, there'll be 6 of us using the connection and probably downloading a lot so really need one which is decent in terms of transfer.
Also one which isn't throttling certain traffic would be great.
Nildram always come highly rated but was wondering who you guys are with and experience .etc
Also, we don't need a 12 month contract, can we get some who can simply do 8 months? Or would it be a case of cancelling and paying an admin fee with most if not all providers.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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I'm getting Sky with unlimited broadband for £27 a month, get the telephone included in that too.
Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Northamptonshire
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what and you get Sky too?
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Registered: 10th Sep 03
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That's 4 mixes for £18, broadband for £10 and evening and weekend calls for free. So £28 a month, not £27...
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Oh, as with anything though, you need to pay £11.99 BT line rental...
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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ed do the hd channels come free as long as you have an hd box?
If so i'll sell my newly aquired sky+ box, my original sky box and buy an hd one from ebay.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
No, HD channels cost an extra £10, plus you only get the HD channels for the packages you subscribe to, so you need the Movies package to recieive Sky Movies HD e.t.c.. I'm not subscribing to HD straight away as I'm not sure what I can afford at the moment.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
User status: Offline
if theres six of you then i would go with NTL 20mb connection. We had 10mb then last year in our uni house between four of us, and it was just adequate. The only problem we had is that NTL doesn't do student accounts anymore, so you have to sign up for 12months and then pay a cancellation fee. However, there are only a few ADSL isps that offer monthly contracts - so it's worth stating that you only need it for 8 months and what's the best solution etc.
As for throttling, most ISPs do traffic shaping now and have some sort of bandwidth cap, you just have to work around it.
like i say though, NTL's 20mb service would be best for you, because unless you're sitting in the exchange you'll be lucky to see 8mb and that'll crawl if you all a bit heavy with the downloads.
edit - Be broadband is another one to look at, they offer 24mb ADSL line (called Be Unlimited) so you might beable to get a decent connection (Depending on distance from exchange etc), plus they don't have any limites or known traffic shaping, and they get good reviews compared to a lot of other isps, ie: ntl, sky, bulldog etc. 
[Edited on 25-07-2007 by Dom]
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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If you have a vodafone mobile then we do calls and 8mb broadsband for £25 oer mth
all landline calls free + calls to voda mobiles free
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Robbo
If you have a vodafone mobile then we do calls and 8mb broadsband for £25 oer mth
all landline calls free + calls to voda mobiles free
why pay that when you can get an unlimited 24mb service (vodaphone offer a 8mb and have strict limits) for the same price?
Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Be unlimited seems good, they also got a very good write up on some sites 
From the sounds of it they're in my area as well, I did a search LE11 3NR and it said it was ok but then asked for a landline and i don't know it 
Whats this thing ed's on about? everyone has to pay a BT line rental... £11.99?
Gonna go look at NTL now.
Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
NTL all seems to be direct to Virgin now Dom, are you aware of this?
Think this is the package you're on about... http://allyours.virginmedia.com/websales/product.do?id=3246
Registered: 13th Sep 03
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by dna23
NTL all seems to be direct to Virgin now Dom, are you aware of this?
Think this is the package you're on about... http://allyours.virginmedia.com/websales/product.do?id=3246
yea, it's still ran by the same bunch of monkeys, so nothings changed but their 20mb is pretty damn good and we always got 2MB down (they upgraded us from 10mb to 20mb few months before end of uni) and never had any problems with them.
But like said, Be seem to get really good reviews and it's a complete unlimited service (other isps are traffic shapping and/or have caps) - just query them about the 12month contract and the possibilty that you can downgrade after 8months or so