Registered: 25th Feb 08
Location: WALES
User status: Offline
Alrite people i have a 1.4 corsa sport and have been offered a x16xe engine by a friend thats converting his corsa to a redtop. So i was just hoping to see what you all think and is it worth changing engines? I do want a quicker car but is there much difference in running costs (e.g mpg) and are there any common problems when converting a x14xe to x16xe?
Registered: 7th Feb 08
Location: Plymouth
User status: Offline
engine will go right in. uses same mounts etc so very easy.
mpg wont reduce loads but depends how u drive the 1600.
how much he offering the engine to you for?
Registered: 25th Feb 08
Location: WALES
User status: Offline
he said he'll give it me for a ton so seems like a bargain, its got 90k on the clock tho but it always starts first time and even gives some redtops a run for their money lol. I was interested in the mpg for just the daily commute to work which is about 30 miles there and back.
what do u think of it?
Registered: 7th Feb 08
Location: Plymouth
User status: Offline
if it gives soe redtops a run for its money why he changing? it should be anywhere near a redtop.
yeh is cheap though mate, u wil get more than a ton for yours bud
Registered: 6th Aug 08
User status: Offline
is the x12xe same mounts as the 1200 and 1600?
Registered: 25th Feb 08
Location: WALES
User status: Offline
so he has more top end as the 1.6 was good for acceleration but lacked in the top speed department lol. He also said his uncle will fit it for 150, is that a good price?
how much is my engine likely to fetch? its coming up to 88k and for the year iv had it i havnt had any problems engine wise. My cars due for an M.O.T so the engine will be in until then so will this help sell it if it passes?