Registered: 12th May 10
User status: Offline
Hey All
After looking through the forums and realizing my car looked absolutely filthy (dont think I cleaned it since last Autumn ) I took some advice and got some stuff ordered from over at awesome stuff, Ill get some pics uploaded once I work out how to do it, I always found alloy cleaner pretty crap but this shifted the lot
Anyone else use their stuff? I could do with a leather cleaner if anyone has any recommendations?
Registered: 14th Jan 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Vehicles
User status: Offline
advertising much?
Registered: 12th May 10
User status: Offline
Oh and I could do with some hard wax if anyone has any recommendations, I normally use Collinite but my tub is getting a bit low at the moment!
Registered: 6th May 10
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
autosmart leather care is a good one
Registered: 12th May 10
User status: Offline
Ill give them a try, not the biggest autosmart fan, I used to use Zymol a while ago which was decent stuff.
Premium Member
Registered: 4th Jul 09
Location: Marlborough, Wiltshire
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I'm sorry but I don't believe someone that buys Zymol, hasn't washed their car for six months.
Any before and after shots?
Registered: 12th May 10
User status: Offline
I used zymol on my last car to feed the leather, it's always the same, I get a new car and keep it gleaming for the first month then when winter comes its just too cold and I chuck it through a car wash, but now the weather is a little warmer it's time for a spring clean