Registered: 4th Dec 02
Location: Sleaford, Lincolnshire
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All went wqell during the sign up
come to activation day it starts!
wwas due too be activated on friday. it was i will give them that. set it all up jsut like it said... adsl light flashs on modem :/
and an error of NO DIAL TONE from the modem.
so rang them up.. wa son hold for 20mins and got thro they said move the pc too the master socket and ring us back in monring.
i did this no joy, spent 2 hours and 45mins on HOLD! on sat trying too speak toio some1. finaly got thro and they said theyd get bt too check my line tommrow (sunday) and they would call me back..
well no its sunday. No fone call... adsl light flashing and they want there money on the 29th.....
not happy at all tbh im gonna ring bt tommrow and see if they can help/run a test from there end and possibly get a bloke out.
[Edited on 14-11-2004 by Ian]
[Edited on 14-11-2004 by Corsa^Dan]
Registered: 25th May 04
Location: Near Sunderland
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did they mess up your key board too?
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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Can't you phone BT up yourself and get them to check ADSL has actually been activated on your line? Would speed things up in terms of getting your Broadband sorted?
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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Just read the last sentence of your post.. D'oh!
Registered: 4th Dec 02
Location: Sleaford, Lincolnshire
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purple_corsa_gls - yes 
im a crap typer yet used the net for 5years, its cos i type so fast fingeres dont work at the same time as brain so they get a little confused...
Tesco say it is activated. my mate says its cos the adsl signal aint strong enough.
oh and the error i got from the modem is NO DIAL TONE
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
Did you expect someone you buy your groceries from to be a good reliable internet-provider?
And, whatever you do, DON'T ring BT yourself......the telephony-side and the ADSL-side are completely different. If you manage to get BT Telephony to open a fault with your line, the ADSL-fault will automatically be parked by BT Wholesale (ADSL-side) until the telephony-fault is closed.
Just keep ringing Tesco's support-line, and make sure they've actually raised the fault with BT. I would assume Tesco have not yet got access to Woosh (line-test facility), so they'd be reliant on BT to do all of this for them.
Another thing to tag on the end: since BT relaxed the limits on ADSL, the number of faults they've had to deal with has sky-rocketed. From opening, you're looking at 12-48 hours to get just the first update back from BT to your ISP (Tesco), bearing in mind that Tesco couldn't officially open a fault-case with BT until Saturday morning (if Friday was your activation-date, BT wouldn't have accepted a fault raised on that day, because they don't guarantee activation until midnight of that day).
Hope you get it all sorted......although I've yet to hear good reports about Tesco Broadband since they started, all ISPs are in the same boat with BT at the moment, just a case of waiting for their recruitment drive to give them the staffing levels they need to cover all of the faults properly.
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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BT problem then by the sounds of it mate...
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Sam
Can't you phone BT up yourself and get them to check ADSL has actually been activated on your line? Would speed things up in terms of getting your Broadband sorted?
Nope, the contract for ADSL is between BT and the ISP, and then between the ISP and the customer......there is no contact between BT and the customer on the ADSL-side of things. Speaking to BT directly would be the BT-Telephony side of things, which would only cause more hassle and delays in getting the ADSL fault resolved.
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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Dan - I'm guessing that since Tesco use NTL as their service backbone or whatever you wanna call it for their dial up service, they are used for Broadband as well?
I'm with (NTL as well) for Broadband... 
[Edited on 14-11-2004 by Sam]
Registered: 4th Dec 02
Location: Sleaford, Lincolnshire
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so i shouldnt ring bt? but surly they can perform a test there and then on the line tho?
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Corsa^Dan
oh and the error i got from the modem is NO DIAL TONE
That's normal, if the modem isn't picking up the ADSL signal (synchronisation) between your premises and the line-card at the exchange. I know this sounds like a stupid question, but do you get a dial-tone if you plug a phone-handset into the master socket (through the filter)? If not, try it without the filter? If still no dialtone, then yes, ring BT Line Faults (0800 800 151 from a mobile, or 151 from another BT-landline) and report this. Otherwise, avoid ringing BT.
Registered: 4th Dec 02
Location: Sleaford, Lincolnshire
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no idea :/
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Corsa^Dan
so i shouldnt ring bt? but surly they can perform a test there and then on the line tho?
This would be a telephony line-test, and would 99.9% of the time show no problems. They may also open a case for your telephony, which as I said earlier, would "park" the ADSL-fault that Tesco have opened, meaning no-one would investigate what is likely to be the real cause until the telephony-fault is closed by you.
Registered: 4th Dec 02
Location: Sleaford, Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
there deffo a dialtone there!
ive even moved the pc too the kitchen and plugged it into the master socket. and still no dial tone
Registered: 4th Dec 02
Location: Sleaford, Lincolnshire
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hmm ok i wont bother ringing bt then.. im just gonna pester tesco as its free 0800 number....
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
BT Faults are 24/7, so get them to ring them directly while you're on the line......don't accept any "we'll call you back as soon as we've contacted them" claims.
I've spoken to BT Faults (I work for an ISP) at 3am before, so I know for a fact that there's always someone there...
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
Another thing to check, in case Tesco haven't already asked you to......unplug ALL telephony devices from ALL other sockets in the house, whether they be phone-handsets, fax machines, Sky+ boxes, alarm systems, ANYTHING that uses a phone-line. Test the modem from the master-socket now, see if you still get the flashing ADSL light...
[Edited on 14-11-2004 by Dan B]
Registered: 4th Dec 02
Location: Sleaford, Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
righto. i shall do that. just a case of waiting in a long queue too speak 2 some1. but i shall try. cheers for ya help shall keep u updated
Registered: 4th Dec 02
Location: Sleaford, Lincolnshire
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Yeh ive tried that
no joy tho 
was saying too my mate that external modems have never worked on this fone line tho on any pc weve had. dunno if its realted.
Registered: 4th Dec 02
Location: Sleaford, Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
that was 56k tho, but had no dial tone with at least 3 modems
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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If you have a newish BT box on the wall, remove the cover and plug the microfilter into the socket as per below:

See if it works then?
Registered: 4th Dec 02
Location: Sleaford, Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
ours aint like that :/
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
Could be an issue with line-quality, as you said earlier......Tesco/BT won't be able to easily get an attenuation-reading (level of line-noise on your line) if you're not in sync. If you are borderline for a working ADSL-line, you may be in for a long ride, I'm afraid......BT Faults may have been swimming in faults recently, BT's Out Of Limits team (the team which investigates extremely high-noise-levels for the possibility of ADSL being unprovidable) has been utterly swamped.
But, fingers crossed it doesn't come to that...
Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Cambridgeshire
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Ours is, and our line is donkey's old. The box is quite new then. You sure your master socket isn't like that? :/
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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Does it not look like this with the BT logo on it?