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  Subject Author Replies Views Last Post
Knocking Griffiths1991 6 63
6th May 10 at 13:03
by jon-valver
No Power-No EML Charlie12345 2 55
6th May 10 at 10:28
by Robo C20Let
just a lil help scottyp91 5 80
6th May 10 at 09:18
by basslinecorsa
engine dav3-w 1 39
6th May 10 at 09:13
by basslinecorsa
Flat Battery... Charlie12345 5 78
6th May 10 at 06:31
Good Vauxhall Garages in Birmingham Robo C20Let 2 37
6th May 10 at 06:03
by Robo C20Let
Quick thick tire question. GTM 9 144
5th May 10 at 23:43
by GTM
gsi arches arizona ste 4 100
5th May 10 at 22:36
by arizona ste
Wheel bearings... *JonnyG* 4 474
5th May 10 at 22:34
by arizona ste
Just fitted TB's but its running rich :( Corsa_Quadz 4 230
5th May 10 at 21:08
by RCoughtrie
can i use a rib belt set up on corsa b redtop conversion markx14xe 5 147
5th May 10 at 21:02
by markx14xe
alloys paulkedd 1 47
5th May 10 at 19:38
by GTM
suspenshion Ant B 6 61
5th May 10 at 18:30
by TheNobleOne
engine code... Charlie12345 1 26
5th May 10 at 14:30
by shaunmods
boot popper Walt 1 86
5th May 10 at 14:03
by shaunmods
c20xe power steering markx14xe 3 826
5th May 10 at 12:03
by Nic Barnes
Tie Track Rod end replacement. Miles_SXi 1 217
5th May 10 at 11:54
by arizona ste
corsa horn davieslim 1 49
5th May 10 at 11:45
by Ellis
how do you raise the limiter on the x16xe engines pteflint 8 351
5th May 10 at 10:37
by philip2
bad idle amos 3 81
5th May 10 at 09:59
by amos
how do you get the cdr500 standard cd player out of corsa b?? jon-valver 3 157
5th May 10 at 09:53
by jon-valver
juder noise when i take off? Rob-e91 6 145
5th May 10 at 09:11
by Rob-e91
engine problem kylesri 2 155
4th May 10 at 23:17
by kylesri
please someone tell me whether these alloys fill fit ASAP! umzz 8 193
4th May 10 at 22:47
by doobs
Popin?? gidged500 4 119
4th May 10 at 20:50
by TheNobleOne
oil Rob-e91 5 97
4th May 10 at 20:15
by Rob-e91
Help exhaust manifold bolts tomt08 2 55
4th May 10 at 19:49
by tomt08
gettin some vectra alloys 15", which are the lowest profile tyres i can put on? jon-valver 11 127
4th May 10 at 13:55
by am4nf
loud exhausts? LeeHadfield 13 295
4th May 10 at 12:44
by Daveskater
name this part please!? macky 3 140
4th May 10 at 12:09
by swill_omnibus

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